
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

OK this is what I get for Blog Hopping ...............

And YES, I am Obedient.........LOL I read the comments too. LOL I got tagged from Diane inadvertently, so here goes:

Four jobs I've had:
1. MOM
2. Teacher Assistant
3. Preschool Aide
4. Administrative Assistant

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Sound of Music
2. White Christmas
3. Sarafina
4. Honey
5. Pacifier
6. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
7. Steel Magnolias
8. Save the Last Dance
9. Mary Poppins (Well........ Most any of the Disney classics) LOL I can't count either......

Four places I've lived:
1. Fair Oaks
2. Del Paso Heights
3. South Sacramento
4. Natomas (Never Lived outside of Sacramento City or County limits)

Four TV shows I love:
1. CSI - Las Vegas, Miami & NY
2. Law & Order (any Version)
3. ER
4. Miami Ink

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Only been on vacation really when I was a kid. Went across country more than once.
2. Hit 21 of the 48 states one year.
3. Lake Tahoe
4. Los Angeles

Four of my favorite dishes
1. Combination Pizza
2. Carne Asada Super Burrito
3. Chicken Chow Mein
4. Whatever (this was made by my Mom and it had whatever leftovers there was in the fridge. I Loved it Ate so much one time I was sick for hours)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. With My Friend "D"
2. In the mountains out in the middle of NO WHERE
3. On a secluded beach
4. Any where with my friend "D"

If you're reading this and haven't been tagged already, CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED!

Since I am here I will update from yesterday.......
Lunch was NS Chicken Salad, string Cheese, and a tangerine........ Snack was String Cheese and a banana................ Dinner was (not too good, I got stuck at my dad's because of the weather) Ham Sandwich (2 slices Berry Nut Wheat Bread, 4 slices Oscar Meyer Ham, 1 slice American Cheese, 2 Tbsp mayonnaise) Water was right close to 2 quarts.

Pray today will be just as good.

Love U ALL,

God Bless Every one........

Shorty G AKA Sherri G

Update Later on today........

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Week and Days since Posting Last.......

Well since my last post, I have been fairly good. I mean not making totally good choices but not bad ones either really I don't think. I mean the weight has been holding its own. Today's weight, 207.6. I will definitely take it. LOL That is awesome. I am 1.2 Lbs away from being 20 Lbs down. I am LOVING this.

Well I started new again today. One more time of starting in the past couple of weeks. Let's see how far this one goes. Think I will shoot for the suggestion left by Emily for Amanda in here last post. That was a 14 day run. Just 14 days of eating right, well the exercise and stuff goes in there too. But just 14 days, 2 short weeks. I think I can do 2 weeks of Eating, Water and Exercise. Well I think I can. One Minute, One Hour, One Day at a time.

I have already started today off right. NS pancakes mixed w/ apple sauce instead of water, string cheese and 1 TBSP of reduced sugar Strawberry Jelly (or fruit spread, like it says on the bottle). LOL It's almost a "free" only 20 cals for 1 TBSP. LOL LOL I know not quite right??

Well on the Boy Friend front. I broke up with him. Some will understand me when I say we were not on the same or even close to the same level Spiritually. And I couldn't do it. We were together for just at a month (or just under a month) but it hurt like we had been together for years. Well I have moved on and am just living life as it comes and as God gives it to me. That is the safest way to do it now.

Well I guess that is about it for now. I will try really hard to remember to come update each day of what I eat and how much water intake I have and exercise I do. Ok this is only 2 weeks, I CAN DO THIS!!!!!! REALLY!!!! LOL LOL LOL

Well You all Take Care, and God Bless. My Prayers to all.

Sherri G AKA Shorty G

Friday, February 17, 2006

Another day of rest and blog hopping

This was cute I got it from Jen (doinitforme) .

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

So how girlish & boyish are you??

Update on my progress also while I am here.

No exercise this week. Knee is barely holding me up, so decided to give it a rest. Weight is up a little. 209.2 yesterday but I haven't been good about my water of food lately either. I am back ontrack as of last night. A Jacks Urban Eatery (not Jack In The Box) large salad with Roasted chicken, Mashed potatoes & little gravy and brussell Sprouts. GOOD STUFF!!! Especially the mashed potatoes. LOL I know they blew the whole meal calorie wise, but they WERE Good.

Back to exercise on Saturday. Well gonna end this for now. Thanks to all who have been stopping by and leaving comments.

Love U all
Shorty G AKA Sherri G

Monday, February 13, 2006

Just seems like another day...........

OK I posted last time about my new TAT and my friend.

I got a lot of comments about the tat and thanks for the advice and the comments. Also just as many asking about my friend. Well here goes.

I met him through Yahoo Personals. He found me and I responded. We me that night and I realized He was a sweetheart. That was on Saturday January 28, 2006. On Wednesday or Thursday He asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. It has been so long since I have had a boyfriend it isn't even funny.

Well we were inseparable the first couple of weeks. I had Church stuff to deal with so I came to stay at my dad's place. I think Charles is having withdrawals though. He sounds so lonely. :( Poor Guy. I just don't have the gas to run back and forth to the other side of town all the time.
I know that sounds bad. :(

Next subject: LOL
Weight Loss/Measurements
Well I started January at 211 lbs, my measurements on January 3rd were; Bust: 49.5 Waist: 47 Hips: 52 Thighs: 30 Biceps: 13.5 & Neck: 16.25

Month ending (January) I weighed 208 lbs and My measurement on February 11th were Bust: 47.5 Waist: 46 Hips: 50 Thighs: 28 Biceps: 13. & Neck: 16.25. I was kind of bummed at the end of January cause I didn't make my weight loss goal, but I also knew that I hadn't really been 100% or even close to it. So I wasn't really trippin too bad. When I went to workout this past Saturday after the torture My trainer did the current months measurements. I was stoked then and so was he. I know it was from using the wetsuit during the day and also to workout in. He told me that Inches would come off faster than weight with the suit. I am way happy now.

Well the rest of my life is going pretty good. Seem a little Lost from God Lately not sure what that is. Just a strange Shift in the spiritual World. Or could just be me. I never know, But I do know I have heard others talking about things being different also. So maybe it isn't just me.

Well I still haven't gotten the blogg up for prayer and prayer requests. I really want to devote a whole day or definitely quiet time for. I really want this place to be God's. And be Blessed by Him.

Well I guess I have gone on long enough.

Love U all and Hope to hear from you all soon. Ok I am still trying to figure out how to get in touch with some. Like Becca and I know Edith was having Troll troubles also. I have her email though. I hope Becca stops by and emails me so I can email her. OK Becca email me girl. shortyg1964@gmail.com

I am Outtie All, Have a good one and God Bless

Shorty G AKA Sherri G

Monday, February 06, 2006

Ok I Have Finally Done IT....................

For the past 4 years or so I have talked about getting a tattoo. Wasn't sure what I wanted and was more scared that it would HURT majorly. (yep, you guessed it....I have NO pain TOLERANCE!!!). Well 2 of my kids went to get tattoos done on them last week and I started thinking about it again. I started playing with some sketches. Hearts and crosses are my collector things. What I really Like. So I started with one heart and made it into 2 hearts that linked together. Then I played around with the initials and where to put them. I have 3 girls of my own and One daughter that has adopted me. So I was debating on whether to include her initials in the design or not.

Well I made an appointment for yesterday and went. The final design is 2 hearts that link together. My oldest daughter's initial "PAG" is in the far left heart (if u r facing me), My middle daughter "ANG" is in the linked part, and my youngest daughter "JGG" is in the far right heart.

Well OK here is the Pic of it.

OK a decent shot this is it.

Up Close and Personal

It didn't hurt HALF as bad as I thought it was going to. Felt like a razor blade during the outline part. (that is the initial drawing part). For the most part the rest of the color in was numb. It looks good and is on my mid right thigh. Just low enough to be ok and just high enough to be covered up by my shorts during summer.

Ok that is all for that right now. I may think about getting ONE more. My Youngest got a heart with Jesus Name through it and colored in red. It looks way cool I may get that one next and last. Not sure............

On the diet point of view. I am doing pretty good. I am down to 209.8 as of today.

Haven't been real good with the eating part and almost nonexistent on the exercise, but I am still losing and I am ok with that. Started back kind of today. Well one meal at a time huh??

Thanks for bearing with me and not blogging lately.

I met someone last week and we have been seeing each other everyday since a week ago Last Saturday.

Well off to start cleaning up again............Talk again soon

Shorty G............ AKA ..............Sherri G