
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

OK I only seem to be averaging once a week here................... :( :(

I just can't get myself to blog at a halfway decent pace. Either once a week or maybe if I am lucky twice. Well here is the update between last Wednesday and now.

I was MAJOR sick last week. Sore throat and headache, cough and all. Well I wasn't good on my food plan at that time either, but come Thursday afternoon on. I was very good. Got in most of my water those days and started feeling better. I actually made it to church on Sunday, kind of had to it was my day to minister for the Sound Board. Very interesting to do when your hearing is still all in a tunnel. LOL Luckily for me one of the other guys on the Team thought it was his weekend and helped me out. Still didn't feel 100% on Sunday but chilled and didn't do a whole lot more. Plenty of sleep on Sunday and woke up Monday feeling PRETTY GOOD. Whoopee!!!! Its about time!! Well last week I was talking to my special friend online and He is finally coming to visit. FINALLY!!! He has been trying to get here since we met in August. He has had all kinds of obstacles to hurdle over. But he is coming finally. At least I think he is. LOL I haven't heard from him yet and his plane landed in the states at 10:37AM PST. But his flight doesn't leave Minneapolis until until 3:17PM PST. He is due here at 7:09PM. This is going to be interesting. I met him online almost 3 months ago. We have been talking almost every day since then. I mean every day we could between his work schedule and mine and sleeping for the both of us. LOL a 8 - 9 hour time difference didn't help either. When I was awake he was sleeping mostly and when he was awake I was sleeping. LOL that was interesting. Well things finally got finished and fixed and he is headed here for at least a week. Just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday. This is awesome. Well I really am getting jittery with the time getting closer so maybe I will go take a nap and try to sleep some of the time away. LOL I thought my stomach was doing flip flops yesterday. Today seems to be worse. Bigger butterflies I think today and not really hungry either, even though I thought I was starving. LOL

Well gonna end this and update later tonight or tomorrow on how things went.

Thanks for all the support and comments you all leave. I really love to read for others. God Bless U all

Sherri G

Well I think I am stupid or something. He didn't show or call. I guess the joles on me this time, as always. LOL oh well. Well thanks for listening you all.
Sherri G

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