
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Thursday, January 05, 2006

A crazy day......................

Today is a little crazy so far. I have my Gr. Nephew home sick again and had an IEP for my youngest daughter at her school. It is also her BDay. She turned (or should I say MADE IT to) 17. She is a sweet heart though. I had some cupcakes (store bought, [By my dad that way I didn't have to go in that dept.]). and then had to Come back to the house where my nephew has been almost all day by himself. I am here for about an hour and a half and then to my dad's house for cake & Ice Cream ( well at least they will have that NO NO stuff, and I also didn't have to buy that one........LOL) and then back on this side of town to my niece's again, and to top off the night I go back to my torture place to workout tonight. For my weight update. Yesterday I was at 214.2. The was the first day of the 100 day 100% challenge that I am in. alsong with the 4th day for the 6 month challenge that I joined also. Today I was so stoked when I stepped on the scale. I was down to 212.2. That was awesome. 100% food & water. Exercise was a rest day. Sop far today I have been 100%. Haven't started the water yet but I am going to now.

I guess that is about it for the catching up.

Love U all and Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!!!!

Shorty G

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hey Sherri,
How's it going? Just popping in to say hello :)