
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Thursday, May 03, 2007


Ok I am totally at a loss, and it isn't a weight loss.

I weighed this AM and I am at 231.2. I am so pissed and I thought I ate pretty good yesterday.

I feel like just giving up, I mean nothing I am doing is working. I am gaining no matter what I do so what's the difference.

I am just gonna post my weight for a while and do what ever. Cant get my health good enough to be able to walk. My asthma has been kickin my backside for the past week. I give. I have been officially beaten by the bum on my couch.

Well til next week. Have a good one all

Weigh in today was 230.4


MoC said...

Hey Shorty, how's it going in your weight loss world?

Shorty Montes said...

last week was 229.4 I think.

regular weigh day is tomorrow. Not thatr I am looking forward to it.