
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

BLOGG MALFUNCTION..................

Ok yesterdays blogg is just not cooperating (pics won't load) so I figured I would link my photo place to this blogg and update on my food so far today.

Photo Blogg is just a bunch of pics that I have and decided I would keep in a separate Spot.

My food update is because I keep forgetting ALL of my food. Hence my cravings lately, so Everyday I post here what I put in my mouth to eat.

Today so far was......

NutriCinnamon Crunch Cereal
1 C soy milk
1 3/4 string cheese
2 slices apple & 1/2 an orange

I am planning on Cream of Broccoli soup, Salad and String cheese for lunch. Will update the real thing later.

When I post yesterdays finally it will update on the rest of my life up to yesterday afternoon.

No weighing today. LOL The scale is at my house now.........LOL Gonna be there a lot for a couple of weeks so I took it that way. (of course it is always where I am not............LOL)

I have a luncheon to go to after service today so I am not sure what I will be eating or even if I am gonna go. I don't eat very well at those. Not always good choices to eat.

Well gonna close this for now. Update later this afternoon.

God Bless

Shorty G

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Real Comparison...........

OK.......... The Real Comparison Pics

This first pic is the one from November 16, 2004 @ 232 Lbs

I by chance found this First pic in a old file on my computer at home. This is a real comparison of where I was my highest weight.

The Middle Pic here is from November 2005 @ 214 lbs.
About a month and a half after I started NS.

This one is the most recent one from January 19, 2006 @ 209 lbs.

Onto things I have been dealing with...................

I want a change but not sure what kind of change. Not sure if I want to cut my hair, or get it trimmed or what. Next set of clothes I buy I want to change my image I think. But as Bob said, and I also am gulity of. I have NO fashion sense. Jeans and tshirts for me most of my life or sweats. Any pic you see me in where I am dressed has come from years of my Oldest daughter dressing me. Or telling me what I should wear. LOL Nothing like your kid dressing you. LOL She has been doing that for over 10 years now.

I ask my niece now when I am not sure. OK enough of my NonFashion sense.

food is going ok lately. Not too bad, I am at 211 today. I was almost ontrack today til the Ice Cream Called my name at lunchtime. But I did good and stuck to right around 1/2 cup and put the rest back in freezer. LOL ok so i stil have my salad and protein from Linch and my snack and dinner to eat still. Oh Yeah and my dessert , Cant forget that.

I talked to a counselor today and figured out that I haven't been consistent on all of my food. I need to start recording everything I eat again. I have been skipping my snack and dessert, hence the cravings I have been having. DUHHHHHHHH

Well nothing like starting what I need to right away.

NutriCinnamon Cereal
1 C Soy Milk
1 string Cheese
1 Orange

1/2 Can Chicken Soup
1/2 C Ice Cream...........OK I know Not diet Material. But At least I claimed it.

1 String Cheese
8 Globe Grapes

Update on Dinner and Dessert later................

OK Well All I guess I have written enough for now. Will update after dessert.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless.

Shorty G AKA Sherri G

PS: I am being led to start another blogg page for Prayers and Prayer Requests. I will have this blog linked from here and any and all are welcome to leave Prayer Requests and Praise Reports there. Update on this later this weekend.

Shorty G


Spinach & cheese Ravioli
Salad w/ ff italian

Dessert: :( I fell asleep again

The original time post is when I started this thing. It JUST started cooperating at 2 AM on Thursday Morning. I totally think it was BLOGGER malfunction..........LOL

Friday, January 20, 2006

Comparison Pics Finally. LOL

Ok I figured I would take comparison Pics already. Things are just fitting differently. It didn't take so many shots to get this one. Only 5 this time to get this 1, compared to the 24 last time to get 4. My niece was looking at these and noticed I have acquired a NECK since the last set of pics. LOL

The one on the left is from November 3, 2005 @ 214.6 Lbs. The one on the right is from last night January 19, 2006 @ 209.8 Lbs

Well I have been doing ok with everything else. Food is weird a little still, BUT NOT half as bad, water and exercise is going ok too.

Yesterday was basically not really on plan, but I still lost and I am at a new low for the time being. 209.8 Showed up. WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I haven't seen even 209 for quite a while. Like almost a year now I think. Well exercise is going to be interesting. My trainer is going to be out for a while. :(( I am so messed up right now. SO back I go to just doing my legs and my Walking video. No abs for who knows how long. I just cant push myself on the different Ab exercises he does with me. I just pray He isn't gone too long.

I got a wet suit this past weekend. I am using it as a sweatsuit though. Working good I think.

Well I am gonna end this one fairly quick before I ramble on. LOL LOL

Love U all and thanks for stopping by.

Shorty G AKA Sherri G

PS: Weight Update soon. Almost weigh in time..............

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I am so messed up. LOL a 3 day weekend and I get all turned around.

Well the food for today was:

Nurticinnimon crunch
1c soy milk

top ramen

1 1/2 c chicken chow fun
2 c wonton soup w/ onions & celery
2 c steamed broccoli
2 slices cantaloupe
salad w/ ff italian

2 oz baked pork loin
1 orange
1 slice cantalopue

OK, I know I didn't eat much during the day and seemed to pig out later. Well except the chow fun and wonton soup I think the choices were ok. kind of made up for all I didn't eat earlier. LOL and I still forgot dessert.

Exercise went ok. My trainer was at a Kings game last night so I worked my legs and went home. Was gonna do my walking video when I got here but that didn't happen.

I am gonna walk today though.

Not sure what else to put here............ LOL So much jumping off lately.

New weight goals are to lose 35 lbs by the end of the Under Construction Challenge. That will put me at 175 by June end. I am WAY cool with that. It equals out to about 5 lbs a month. Which is very doable. ONEDERLAND HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!! LOL

I know I never did write down my resolutions or my goals for the year. I plan on doing that this week and having it posted by next Monday I Hope. Please bug me about this if I dont.

I kow a few so far, Like losing at least 5 lbs a month for the year. (if I can do that I will have lost 50 lbs for the year) Another one is to stick with workout. My trainer & I were talking, If my knee tries to blow, then we will just tape the puppy and ease up a little for a while. I dont think that is gonna happen though.

Well this is actually ending on Wednesday Morning so I am gonna end this now and Update food and exercise tonight (Wednesday).

Have a good one all and Hey what is going on with the Meeting Plan?? Are we still planning that?? I really Hope so. WOuld be nice to put physical faces to all of these bloggs. Please let me know how things are going with that. Also let me know if you all need help with that planning.

God Bless U all

Sherri G AKA Shorty G

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Ok well I don't even know what to call this post............. Frustration I guess. LOL OK that is it FRUSTRATION...................

I am so frustrated today. I mean there are good things going on in my life also but, today is just one of those days.

First the frustration then the rest of my life. I get up and since today is Wednesday and I Minister on the Sound Board today. I get myself and my Gr Niece dressed and ready to go. So we get to the car and are getting in and I realize that my middle daughter forgot to put the car seat back in the back seat when she used the car the other night. Ok I think it is in the trunk. Now I am already running a little late, but it will be ok. Just get the car seat in and buckled in (lucky for me the clip is still on the seat belt). So I Pop the trunk and NO CAR SEAT!!!!!!!!! NO WHERE in there. I looked in the back seat again just to make sure it wasn't on the other side upside down or something. NOPE NOT THERE!!!!!!!!! OK just call my daughter and she will let me know where she put it............ But her being the NIGHT OWL she was bred with (I swear). She is not answering her phone, and neither is her boyfriend. GRRRRRRRRR Well I thought maybe she put it in the garage the night she used the car..............NOPE not there either........ OK 4 calls to her back to back HOPING she will wake up...........NOPE on that count too. So I go back in the house and now have to call church and see if the Associate Pastor can run the Sound Board for me as I can not leave the house. At least not in the car. LOL (Lucky No Emergency Has Happened that I HAVE to GO somewhere.) So I left her a SERIOUSLY not nice message (no cussing but Just short of it). So now I am here and Little i am not sure if conscientiously tries to drive me NUTS today. It is rainy and yucky out and not a good day to go outside. So now I sit with my Christian music on and she has had lunch and is now napping. Thank You Lord!!!! LOL

OK for the rest of my life. I am not sure when I blogged last so an update from last Thursday. Thursday was My Youngest daughters Bday. She was 17. I was online that evening in a Yahoo chat room and met someone in the room. We talked for a while and he asked me for my number. Suprisingly I gave it to him. He said he would call me the next day after he got off work. I thought yeah right probably like the others and will never call. LOL

A bigger surprise came Friday around 12:45 PM, I got a phone call from him. We talked on the phone for about half an hour. That was cool. He almost hung up though at first. I forgot to let him know my voice was low. Sometimes I sound like a guy on the phone. I have had guys not talk to me because I sounded the way I did and they didn't believe I was who I said I was. LOL Ok so back to my friend........... LOL.......... We have talked on the phone everyday since Friday. :-D He is from India, but lives here in San Jose, CA. It is a miracle LOL someone that wants to talk to me that is actually in the US an a PLUS he is in the state and fairly close by. We are meeting this coming Monday. We are driving half way to meet. So neither of us has too far to drive. We are going to go to lunch (yes I will be good in eating) and then a movie. I am so excited to meet him. I really hope this turns out to be a cool friendship. I really need to see that there are men out there interested in me (and not having other motives for being interested) for me.

On the diet front. I am in 2 different challenges right now. I feel like I am going crazy trying to keep up with both. The hardest one of the 2 is the 100% challenge. I just have a hard time being 100% in everything. Food, Water and Exercise. I only made 4 days since Jan 4th start date. Not too bad but not great either. On the Under Construction Challenge I am doing ok, but I haven't been to the site and commented to anyone lately. I am TRULY sorry ALL. I am thinking about backing out of the 100% challenge. i just cant keep up with so much. And I can stay as best 100% with you all.

I weighed in yesterday and was at 210.4 lbs. The weight is slowly coming off. My workout got more intense last week. And stupid me I missed last night for the Abs.....DOHHHHHHHHH I got my legs in but not Abs. So I go back on Thursday and Saturday. DEFINITELY.

Well think I am gonna close this for now and stay consistent with blogging here and linking it to the Under Construction Site. I love that group. :)

Well you all have a good one & God Bless

Shorty G

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A crazy day......................

Today is a little crazy so far. I have my Gr. Nephew home sick again and had an IEP for my youngest daughter at her school. It is also her BDay. She turned (or should I say MADE IT to) 17. She is a sweet heart though. I had some cupcakes (store bought, [By my dad that way I didn't have to go in that dept.]). and then had to Come back to the house where my nephew has been almost all day by himself. I am here for about an hour and a half and then to my dad's house for cake & Ice Cream ( well at least they will have that NO NO stuff, and I also didn't have to buy that one........LOL) and then back on this side of town to my niece's again, and to top off the night I go back to my torture place to workout tonight. For my weight update. Yesterday I was at 214.2. The was the first day of the 100 day 100% challenge that I am in. alsong with the 4th day for the 6 month challenge that I joined also. Today I was so stoked when I stepped on the scale. I was down to 212.2. That was awesome. 100% food & water. Exercise was a rest day. Sop far today I have been 100%. Haven't started the water yet but I am going to now.

I guess that is about it for the catching up.

Love U all and Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!!!!

Shorty G