
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Monday, December 19, 2005


And a fairly good Monday too. It is always a good day when I wake up lighter than I was last week. It is only 8:25 AM and my final weigh in is around 10:30 (the time I started weighing when I first started this diet, so I stick with it) but first step is 212.8. Which means all the bad choices I made over the weekend and especially yesterday, didn't hurt me too bad.

On Saturday I went to Fellowship Gumbo party for another churches singles ministry. It was cool. I don't do parties really, but the minister of your Ministry asked me and a couple of other people to go with him and represent our ministry so I said yes. When we arrived I asked him if he knew the ones hosting the party. He said NO. My stomach almost flipped out of my body. So scenario: I was going to a party, (I don't do parties), and The Minister I went with didn't know anyone there. LOL I told him if he felt like someone was attached to him, They were. LOL So I did what I do best in parties. I found a chair and sat and talked to the other lady that came with us. (I thought I was bad. I looked over at her a couple of times and finally had to tell her to breathe. LOL It looked like she was just sitting there holding her breath.

Once I got inside and was there for a few minutes I realized it was ok. Atmosphere was nice. They had jazz music going and was peaceful.

I finally had to get out of my chair cause the slightest bit of stress my system feels lately (with everything else happening) I get wheezy and will end up in a full blown asthma attack if I don't catch it early. So I had to venture to find my jacket, and then find an out of the way place to hit the dumb thing. LOL restroom was the best place away from people, of course I had to open my mouth and ask where that was. Which kind of helped me get more relaxed. LOL the inhaler helped to. It makes me hyper and full of energy when I hit it correctly.

Well the Gumbo was done and the first bowl I saw come out had a big piece of Crab on it. (now the function cost $10 to come to, to help with the price of the Gumbo I guess) Yep and Guess What??? LOL I cant have crab. LOL There wouldn't be enough inhalers in the world to stop the asthma attack that comes on. So I asked if there was one with out crab, and they had made a small pot of one with no seafood, just meat. So I went that way. A bowl of rice and meat gumbo and of course cracklin cornbread and punch. Not very diet wise, but I almost knew that when I said yes to coming. I wasn't very good with my water either. I think I got 1 quart in all day, I THINK. I was good for dinner. I had a light yogurt and a small head of fried cabbage. (fried in olive oil, my fat for the day) and a sugar free jello for later. Ok something I ate that day was free of calories or little cals. LOL

Sunday consisted of Church. Another hard day for diets. I woke up late and forgot to bring my breakfast so I am at the store thinking, What can I eat and still basically stay on track. So I chose 2 light yogurts for the protein and a banana for my fruit. Not bad I don't think. I have found that Harvest Peach light yogurt is the kick. Now lets see how long it takes to see if I am allergic to yogurt still. Will find out soon I guess. I cant have milk and not much ice cream cause I get bronchial pneumonia if i eat or drink it. I do push my luck on ice cream but I know my limit and when I can have it. I don't even think about ice cream of I am not feeling well or have been sick. My immune system is down too low and I don't even chance it. Now I wonder if I should treat yogurt the same.

OK I know I got off track. (Now you know why I don't write much. I am choppy and go all over the place.)

So back to Sunday. I had a wedding to do Sound for, and of course there was a reception afterwards. So I go and food was there of course. (I was good this time and took my water in with me.) So they had salami and cream cheese wrapped in tortillas and a veggie bowl and onion dip and cut up bbq hot dogs. Oh yeah and fake crab. So I had a little of each and a lot of veggies. Then there was the cake. LOL MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! LOL It was a vanilla, chocolate swirl topped with caramel and cool whip. Boy!!! Was it good. :) so i drank 2 quarts of water before I even left there. Ok so anything after this water was all extra. When I got back to my nieces place I felt like I was hungry (kind of), not that I could have been after all that eating. So I had 2 ladles of homemade stew and a big salad. Later I had a jello for a snack and around midnight I had my NS desert. (for the first time in forever).

Well that was the extent of my weekend. All in all I had a good time. I did 2 things I don't like to do. One was the Singles Fellowship where I didn't know anyone except those I went with, and second was going to a place by myself. (oh yeah, I don't like to go out to parties or any place like that by myself, don't know why) It is really time to get myself out of the shell I have been living in and get myself out there a little. OK something I am working on little by little.

Well I have caught everyone up on my weekend and it wasn't that hard this time. LOL Didn't take me half as long as it usually does. So the final weigh in is in like an hour away, so I will update here what the outcome was. And also on Pam's Blog.

Thanks in advance to all that come and visit. Have a good one and God Bless.

Sherri G

OK weight update: LOL Final weigh in is 212.4. Not bad down almost 2 1/2 lbs from last week. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!


Karon said...

Congratulations poking your head out of the shell. Now that you know you can do it, try it a little more often. Before you know it, you just might be a social queen!

Woo hoo on 2.5 pounds gone. Good for you, sweetie. Just remember this ... just because it didn't bite you in the butt on the scale this week doesn't mean you can do that all the time. Back on track so the numbers continue downward.

Have a great week!

Shorty Montes said...


You make me laugh. I love it when you stop by. And you are almost always my first comment. :D

My Minister for Singles Ministry will make sure I do keep going out. He knows that if he asks me to go somewhere I will go with him. He goes with me when I just want to hang out and not go alone.

The 2.5 lbs are gone for EVER I hope and I know I cant do it all the time. It will definitely bite me in the butt next time. I also have to be VERY careful cause Christmas is coming and I gained almost 4 lbs during Thanksgiving. And the end of the NS Blogger Challenge is coming to a close. I dont want to mess up what I have already done.

Well Karon I am gonna go for now. I will stop by ur blog a little later. I do stop by often, just dont comment. I will try to be better about that.

Love U,

Sherri G

Karon said...

I'm glad I can make you laugh. We all need laughter in our lives. I'm likely the first to comment because I'm the only up at the hours I wake besides the Lord! Too much time on my hands, for sure.

Hope you have a great week, honey!

Shorty Montes said...

Yeah I have been awake early here too..........LOL

Well Hope you have a Great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thanks for all the comments Karon.

Sherri G

Scarlett O'Hara said...

Ornament exchange post is up on my blog. also check your email! :-)

Danielle said...

Hi Sherri,
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas!
