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Thursday, August 17, 2006

OK The Real Deal..................

The Real Happening of the Shoulder incident.

A lesson on my prayers........ LOL I went to my ex's place to listen to him about my youngest daughter and then let him know she doesn't want to live with him anymore. So on my way I prayed that God keep my mouth in Check. The thing I forgot to pray about was my attitude and actions. LOL

Well he started cussing her and I told him that wasn't necessary and that she was moving back to my dad's place. Well then he proceeded to kick me out of his place. That was fine. If I had just stayed out, but my daughter was still in there and he was still cussing her, so I opened the Apt door and told her to come on, and he slammed the door in my face. I then Opened it again and he pushed me in my face out the doorway, before he could shut the door again I SLAPPED the SLOP out of him as hard as I could. (now remember I am not a fighter really) He proceeded to try to grab me by my hair and pull me in the top of my hair is too short to grab so he got me by my Tail and pulled me in i think i hit him again and tried to grab at him. I got a hold of his shorts as he slammed me to the ground. I don't remember if he was hitting me or just trying to like crush me or what. He eventually got off of me and threw me out of the Apt again. I stayed out that time and called for a sheriff escort to get my daughters stuff out of the Apt. My Middle daughter was in there with the youngest so I was concerned but not as much as I was P***ed Off. I was so messed up that I gave the sheriff the wrong address even though I was reading it. So it took them longer than I hoped. The kids came out the youngest crying. The sheriff didn't show and He had left so I left also. While I was waiting for them my shoulder started getting sore. And eventually couldn't hardly move it. I went to the ER and they said (after 6 1/2 hours of waiting) that I separated the ligaments between my clavicle and my shoulder blade. Nothing fractured and nothing out of socket. That's good. Unfortunately for Him (the Ex) They (ER) required me to file a sheriff Report. And I found out He has a warrant. OOPS on him. I haven't completed the report yet I am trying to give him a little time to finish some stuff, but I am gonna finish it tomorrow when I get home. Yesterday wasn't a good day cause I was out of it most of the day. And Today I am at my niece's place.

Well I am in a sling for comfort and pain pills (darvacet.....Good Stuff) every 4 hours as needed. I went like 16 hours without meds today but I am paying for it now. :( a little more pain/sore then I would care to be feeling.

So that is the scoop on the shoulder situation. Not sure if anyone will read this. It feels a little better getting it out in the open at my pace. Now I can keep going. Just move on, with things. Oh Yeah I am officially DONE with Him. FOREVER

Thanks for the support everyone.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Oh honey that's SO scary! I'm so glad you're ok. Well I know you're sore, but it could have been worse....take care :) You're one brave woman!!