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Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's Finally Ready......... The Prayer Blog.... & a little about me...

OK everyone. I havn't been posting like I said I was going to. I am Truly Sorry. I Have been busy with a death close to me & getting this Prayer Blogg up and running. Well It is going very slowly so far, but It is up and running.

Dieting has been going ok. Depending on how much Water I take in depends on what I weigh. Been bouncing between 3 lbs. But it is cool. I am getting Closer with God and realizing That He is everything. What I eat, My Attitude on how I see things and My All. This I think will push me more to keep up with the healthier eating.

For those interested I have the Prayer Blogg up and running. The addy is http://godsprayercloset.blogspot.com Come check it out and see what you think. It is a little different that "I" had originally planned on it being. But this is the direction God has led me in so Away We (God & I) Go.

I hope whoever stops by, is Blessed by what you find and the peace of God that is there.

I Love U ALL as Christ has Loved me,

Shorty G


heavenlydm said...

Hey gurul! I'm glad you got things going. I the image is beautiful but I couldn't read any of the writing...lol.

Have a great week!

O' Natur Nail said...

i love the blog but with the background its hard to read..

O' Natur Nail said...

just checking on ya.. *hugs*