
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday August 21, 2006

OK I Love this so the Weigh In is first.. I stepped on the scale this AM and I am down to 217.6. WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Down that sliding scale. LOL

Well its 10:30 and I haven't eaten yet. Gonna have Grits, Scrambled eggs and OJ,

Not sure about Lunch yet but I will update when I get there. Update on the day a little later.

Oh thanks for the prayers and thoughts regarding my shoulder, I am doing much better. Not quite moving it like normal and range of motion is still sporadic but I don't have to use the sling in the house anymore. I am ok here, LOL so far.

I took a new picture today. It's not great but it's a start over pic. Will see if niece can take better ones tonight.

Til Later..........

Well it is later and I fell asleep, I guess I did a little too much today and shoulder started rebelling. LOL Well I ate kind of late so Lunch wasn't an option. I just woke up a few minutes ago. Think I will have a salad with some chicken. Not sure about dinner right now Will update and put in better format later.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Good for you!!! You're so close to Onederland!