
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hey All, (a copy from NS Blogger Site)

I was doing one post on my blog and linking it from here but not sure that worked so I will just post here and there. LOL Well last week didn't turn out as bad as it could have. I ate emotionally a lot last week. I weighed around Tuesday or Wednesday and I had gained back most of what I had lost for the MONTH. SO I buckled down except for a 2x2 brownie that jumped in front of me and begged that I eat it. ......... LOL ...................No really was stressed over a job interview and just buckled. But I got back to doing mostly right.

Had a hard time with my water last week for some reason. Don't know why. Am trying to be better this week.

I did get some walking in, not much but enough to make my knee SERIOUSLY MAD at me for a few days. I went to the mall to meet my dad. When we had exchanged what I needed from him, he was gonna go walk to the food court to have lunch. I said I would walk with him. (No I was good, had just eaten not too long before, so I had a Diet Coke) Well he walks at a pretty good clip, so I had to keep up. After lunch I went into a few shops and then had to walk all the way back to my car. See my dad was smart and parked close to where he wanted to be. I parked close to where I had to meet him, LOL, at the other end of the mall AND some. Actually I parked past the end of the mall. There are a few stores in the Parking lot of the mall and that's where we met at first, and the Food Court is in the middle of the mall. LOL ............So if anyone is lost by now. It's OK I think I lost myself. LOL Let's say with all the walking I probably got in 2 blocks. Give or take a little. That's is about it. Will post again on Friday or Saturday.

Shorty G AKA Sherri G

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