
Michael Aaron's Birthday Count Down

baby growth

Beautifull Nyanna's Birthday Count Down


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Not sure what has been going on with me but my attitude has been jacked really really bad. Biting at my kids and not wanting to be social. Not sure what brought this on but it can't continue.

Diet is going well...........except.......... I tripped & fell last night over some Natural Doritis, but I am back up and walking ok now...........LOL (Translation.... I cheated and had some Natural Doritos but I am back on track today.)

Not sure if the diet is the cause of my attitude or what but I must figure this out.

I met someone online and he is coming to visit next Monday 10/10/05. I am soooooooo excited and scared and all those emotions you can be before meeting someone new. Well will keep you all posted in the future on how that went.

Well closing this now................Talk later

Sherri G


Karon said...

Hi, Sherri! I followed the link you left on Bob's blog. Hope you don't mind. Been a little while since you updated. How'd the meeting with your online friend go?

I wish you luck in figuring out what makes you snap. Maybe when you figure it out for you, you can help me figure it out for me! Good luck and I look forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

Karon, I was talking to a weight trainer friend of mine and he said that not enough calories could cause mood swings. I sometimes dont get all of my calories in for the day. So I just need to make better choices and get all of my food in everyday.

I dont mind u following the link, I really appreciate the comments
thank you very much.

Now maybe this will keep me motivated to continue to blog everyday. I just figured out today how to add the blog addy to the comments in Bob's Blog. LOL
Well Thanks again for stopping by. chat later
Sherri G